Spectrum Garden Centre
Status Planning: Approved
The application site covers an area of approximately 2.25 acres and is located on Mold Road (A541) in Cefn Y Bedd, Wrexham. The site is vacant and comprises a range of derelict buildings of cement block construction. The site is largely covered in hardstanding with limited areas of vegetation apart from those fringing the rear boundaries of the application site and abutting the adjacent watercourse, River Cegidog.

Community consultation was undertaken as part of the pre-application consultation (PAC) event, to allow for comments upon the draft proposals from those within an influencing distance of the Application Site.
The layout, scale, design and massing have been developed in response to the surrounding context. A thorough assessment of the site and its benefits has allowed a design which will maximise the opportunities and characteristics of the site.
The application was for full planning permission for the development of 20 x one-bedroom cottage flats, 3 x two-bedroom houses and 7 x four-bedroom houses, with associated landscaping and vehicular access.

The Numbers
Homes: 30 houses and apartments
Land: 2.25 acres
Developer: Collaborate Living Ltd
Housing associations: North Wales Housing Association
Local Authority: Wrexham
Architect: Ainsley Gommon Architects
Engineer: Sutcliffe Engineers and Weetwood